Krzysztof Jurczyk, Markus Cueva

Operations Director - InterMarium, Marketing Specialist - Autodesk,

New features and quality
of life improvements

In 2024 many new features have been implement- ed in FlexSim. Let’s introduce them.


Starting with the FlexSim 2024 LTS version, the software enables you to effortlessly switch between Workspaces as you create, analyse, and present simulation models. A Workspace comprises the collection of windows and views that form your FlexSim environment, tailored to your preferences. By clicking on Workspaces in the toolbar, you can save your current workspace and view a list of previously saved workspaces to choose from. Workspaces are also accessible in the Toolbox, where you can reorganize and rename them.

You have the option to set a default workspace in the Environment tab of Global Preferences. If you ever need to revert to this default workspace, simply click on Workspaces in the toolbar and choose Open Default Workspace.

Control Areas available in A* Module

FlexSim now supports the integration of Control Areas into A* networks, a feature that was previously exclusive to the AGV Module. This functionality allows you to limit the number of A* travellers within a specific section of your grid. Within the Control Area properties, there are two check- boxes that you can enable to make AGV and/or A* members recognize the Control Area.

Additionally, you can now allocate and deallocate a Control Area programmatically. The options for “Allocate Control Area” and “Deallocate Control Area” are available in the Area Restriction section when adding a trigger. For instance, this enables you to use decision points on a conveyor segment to dynamically allocate and deallocate a Control Area, thereby including the conveyor objects in the traveller restriction.

Change for Adding A* Members

Starting with the release of FlexSim 2024 Update 1, the A* Navigator 3D shape has been removed from the object library, and objects can now be added to an A* navigator by linking them to A* objects. Ensuring consistency across FlexSim’s various navigators is crucial, and the A* shape was an exception. With this update, you can easily integrate objects into an A* navigator by (1) connecting the object to any A* object, and (2) link- ing the A* Grid to any other object. Additionally, remember that you can still add and remove A* navigator members via the A* Navigator Proper- ties, accessible in the Toolbox.

Model Analysis – Experiment Filters

FlexSim allows you to filter experiment data through the Filters tab in the Experimenter..