Filip Polit

Recent events
Simulation Business Tour 2024
We regard the implementation of the FlexSim tool in European markets as a road. Both this “road” figuratively, understood as a process, but also quite literally.
Therefore, we set out on a real tour of selected European countries and the first half of 2024 was dictated in our company by meetings with you, i.e. those interested in implementing this technology in their companies. In just 3 months we held 9 business meetings in various locations, not only in Poland.
We visited Lodz, Mielec, Wroclaw, Warsaw, Gdansk, Mlada Boleslav, Budapest and Brno. We ended our tour in a unique place at InterMarium’s new headquarters, the Donimirski Business Center, Puget Palace in Krakow. We are extremely happy, as we can accommodate more than 50 guests (!) at once in our new office.
We have held hundreds of talks, made dozens of lectures and presentations. And most importantly, thanks to our efforts, we have greatly expanded the number of users of FlexSim, the world’s best process simulation tool. On this occasion, we kindly thank our special guests for their participation in the conferences.
You have given an invaluable practical contribution to the content of these events. We would also like to thank our Partners who helped us promote the events. Below is the full list of special guests and Partners, to whom once again, as an organizer, I say a polite THANK YOU!
We are particularly pleased with the first workshop of Czech simulation users – Simulaczech, an idea of the second of our representatives and animators of the FlexSim user community, Eng. Frantisek Srajer.
In May, we officially started working with our new business partner in Serbia, SimBa Technologies. We believe that the Serbian market is very promising, and the SimBa team, with its excellent knowledge of the FlexSim environment, is an ideal partner in promoting the use of modern simulation tools for the development of the local economy.
Joining the LODZISTICS Cluster – Logistics Business Network of Central Poland.
We have this great pleasure that we have joined a nationwide business network, connecting entities operating in the logistics industry. This is a great promotional value for us.
InterMarium’s new logo and headquarters.
The year 2024 is a period of groundbreaking changes. Autodesk and FlexSim are joining forces, giving rise to a new powerhouse in the simulation world. While InterMarium is changing its headquarters and logo.